
Fighting the Flu with Food

Seems like everyone these days is talking about the swine flu. O, sorry... H1N1. I was lucky enough to get the vaccine through work, but I know it is hard to come by, so I decided to utilize my RD skills to provide some flu-fighting foods to get you through the winter.
New scientific studies are coming out that prove that a diet rich in nutrients like vitamin A and zinc can provide the critical fuel your body needs to fight off diseases like the flu. Try incorporating one of these foods into your cooking or baking for an added boost.

Vitamin A:Promotes good vision and helps to form and maintain healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin.

Found in: liver, spinach, carrots, pumpkin yellow fruits & vegetables.

Vitamin D: Maintains proper levels of calcium and phosphorus, therefore helping to build and maintain healthy bones

Found in: fortified milk and orange juice, salmon, and tuna

Vitamin C: Necessary to form collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels, and aids in the absorption of iron

Found in: red peppers, broccoli, oranges, citrus, orange colored fruits and vegetables

Vitamin B12: Helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells, and is also needed to make DNA

Found in: potatoes, bananas, garbanzo beans, dairy products

Selenium: Protects cells from oxidation and is important for a healthy immune system

Found in: Brazil nuts, turkey, canned tuna in oil

Zinc: Enhances your immune system and aids in wound healing. Involved in sensory perception (taste, smell, and vision) and controls the release of vitamin A from the liver

Found in: oysters, crab, pork shoulder, nuts, whole grains, seafood

Many of the flu-fighting foods can be incorporated into your Thanksgiving dinner: turkey, milk, spinach, pumpkin, potatoes, and broccoli... So load up on yummy nutrient dense foods for a happy, healthy holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!